What Is a Clean Driving Record, How It Affects Insurance and How to Keep It Clean

You know what a clean driving record looks like if you have a driver’s license. For many, this will look like your record after obtaining a permit. No points, no tickets, no trouble; however, seasoned drivers are likely to have notches carved into their records. Notches occur for every violation and mistake they make on (and sometimes off) the road. Most will walk away from these situations with little consequences outside of irritation and a fine. Unfortunately, not having a clean driving record can come back to get you. Driving records are reviewed for many reasons, including employment opportunities and when reassessing insurance rates. Naturally, this means you’ll want to have a clean record, not only to make money but to save it too.

clean driving record definition

What Is a Clean Driving Record?

What do people mean when discussing having a “clean driving record?” First and foremost, a driving record is attached to your license number and social security number. Those with any driving offenses will have those violations appear on this record and others. 

What Is Considered a Clean Driving Record?

Conversely, a “clean” driving record refers to those records that have zero:

  • moving violations: speeding, running a red light, texting when driving
  • mechanical violations: broken front or taillights, faulty brakes, missing parts
  • major violations: DUI, DWI, hit and run, reckless driving
  • other violations: driving without a license or insurance, expired registration
  • accidents: crashing, running into objects or people

Drivers caught and charged with driving-related offenses incur at least two punishments. Firstly, the violation will correlate to “points" on the offender's record. A single breach can rack up between one to ten points. That's not good for unsafe or relaxed drivers, considering if they get enough points, their license will be revoked. On top of this, committing offenses can be charged as felonies, which means a lengthy prison stay.

How to Check Your Driving Record

To maintain a clean driving record, it’s important to regularly check your driving record for accuracy. Here are steps to check your driving record:

  1. Online Through the DMV: Visit your state's DMV website and look for a section related to driving records or driving history. You may need to create an account and provide your driver’s license number.
  2. In Person at the DMV: Visit a local DMV office and request a copy of your driving record. Bring your driver’s license and be prepared to pay a small fee.
  3. By Mail: Some states allow you to request your driving record by mail. Fill out the required form, include the necessary fee, and mail it to the address provided by the DMV.
  4. Through Third-Party Services: There are online services that offer to obtain your driving record for a fee. Ensure the service is reputable before using it.

How to Get Points Off Your License

Having a clean driving record often means having zero points on your license. If you’ve accumulated points, here’s how to get them off:

  1. Defensive Driving Courses: Many states offer point reduction for completing an approved defensive driving course. Check with your DMV for eligible courses.
  2. Traffic School: Similar to defensive driving, traffic school can remove points from your record. These courses are often available online or in person.
  3. Wait for Points to Expire: Points naturally expire after a certain period, depending on the severity of the offense and state regulations.
  4. Appeal Traffic Tickets: If you believe a ticket was issued in error, you can contest it in court. Winning an appeal can prevent points from being added to your record.

How Long Do Points Stay on Your Driving Record?

Understanding how long points stay on your driving record is crucial for maintaining a clean driving record. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Minor Violations: Points for minor violations, such as speeding, typically stay on your record for 3-5 years.
  • Major Violations: More serious offenses, like reckless driving, may stay on your record for 5-7 years.
  • State Variations: The duration points stay on your record varies by state, so check with your local DMV for specific information.

speeding ticket

How Does Driving Record Affect Insurance?

Apart from possibly being charged with a felony, there’s another problem with incurring violations on one’s record. Those accused of a driving offense will also face a permanently increased yearly insurance rate. Insurance rates vary depending on the experience of the driver and car but adding violation fines can dramatically increase monthly payments. Insurance rates increase depending on state law; a driving violation will incur a penalty of two to sixty percent of the initial total payment:

  • Speeding may increase insurance rates up to $340
  • Failure to stop may catch an increase of $350
  • Not wearing a seatbelt may grow to $160
  • Texting while driving may result in $320
  • Driving under the influence may cost $950

Why It's Important to Keep Your Driving Record Clean?

A person's driving record must be clear. Not only because driving symbolizes freedom and independence, and having your license taken away impedes that, but because having a clean driving record also affects your life off the road.

For example, having charges on a record can worsen everything; it can look like “habitual criminality.” This is when there is a proven history of criminal behavior, and a court can determine that further crimes may occur in the future. For most people, this may not apply or matter; however, a driving record can be the document that adds years to a sentence for those with charges coming up.

How to Keep a Clean Driving Record?

Keeping a clean driving record is easier than it may sound. Of course, the most crucial aspect to remember is driving safely and with the proper procedures; failing that, how can one keep a clean record?

The answer is to take proactive steps in monitoring one’s record and be reactive when necessary. Concerning the former, a person may be proactive by keeping on top of monitoring their documents. Much like a monthly bank statement, a yearly driving report can help to stop any mistakes in the filing from sticking. In some states, the DMV can release records online or via email—alternatively, all DMVs can physically mail the report.

Regarding the second aspect of keeping a clean driving record, being properly reactive can help. "Reactive" does not mean verbally accosting an authority figure or office worker; instead, it refers to disputing charges and errors when they occur. A lot can happen quickly at a traffic stop, and officers being humans means they can make mistakes.

Can You Clean Your Driving Record?

Clearing a driver’s record of points and violations can be difficult; a significant amount of the resolution process is impacted by state law. Despite this, it is worth it to have limited (or no) offenses on record. Getting those offenses off the record means savings through insurance payments. Insurance payments that have been increased due to driving violations and points may lower once those offenses are taken off. There are many ways to clear a driving record; unfortunately, they cost time and money.

How to Clean Your Driving Record?

To begin with, the best way to clear a violation from a driving record is by paying off any fines quickly. Tickets are usually given out for misdemeanors and infractions, meaning they will have penalties associated with them as punishment. Allowing these fines to “sit” on your record will do damage over the long term. Get them paid up and out of the way as quickly as possible.

If the fines have already been paid, but the points still linger on the record, head to traffic school. Completing a driving school course proves that the driver can function properly on the road. This means the driver has been successfully “rehabilitated,” so points will be deducted from a record. The number of points deducted depends on many aspects like state, offense, and course length.

Alternatively, for many, the answer may be to wait out the points. If drivers cannot get the time to go to traffic school, they should consider waiting out the process. Points will eventually expire, depending on the severity of the violation. A speeding ticket can give points that last a minimum of three years, while a DUI can have a maximum of ten. Understanding the clean driving record definition and knowing what is a clear DMV record can help in managing and maintaining a clean driving record.

Can a Lawyer Clean Your Driving Record?

Yes, a lawyer can help clear your driving record. They can assist by disputing tickets, negotiating plea deals, or getting points removed through court-approved programs like traffic school. The process and success rate depend on state laws and the nature of the violations. Consulting a lawyer can be a strategic move to achieve a clean driving record or a clear driving record, which can positively impact your insurance rates and employment opportunities.

A person's driving record is essential; it reflects their behaviors on the road and their ability to handle the legal/traffic systems. The critical thing to remember about charges to a driving record is that it will raise insurance rates. Not only this, but it will also impact your ability to get work, and it can even encourage a judge to add more years to a criminal sentence. Keep your driving record clean—it's the best action for every driver.


After 3 Years of a Clean Driving Record, How Much Are Your Total Points Reduced?

After maintaining a clean driving record for three years, many states will reduce the total points on your driving record. The exact reduction varies by state law, but typically, a significant portion of points from minor violations may be removed. For instance, in some states, points from minor infractions like speeding might be reduced by half, while points from more severe violations may take longer to clear. Understanding the clean driving record definition helps you keep track of when your record will be considered clear of points.

What Is Considered a Clean Driving Record for Employment?

For employment purposes, a clean driving record means having no recent traffic violations, accidents, or points on your record. Employers often look for a clear driving record to ensure that potential hires are responsible and safe drivers. A clean driving record is typically free of major offenses such as DUIs, reckless driving, and repeated minor violations. This clean driving record meaning is crucial for jobs that involve driving company vehicles or operating heavy machinery.

What’s the Difference Between Clean and Good Driving Record?

A clean driving record is one with no violations, points, or accidents. It means the driver has adhered strictly to traffic laws without any infractions. On the other hand, a good driving record may include a few minor infractions but still demonstrates overall responsible driving behavior. A good driving record might still be acceptable for certain purposes, but a clean driving record is generally preferred, especially for insurance and employment purposes. Knowing the clean driving record definition helps differentiate between what constitutes clean and good records.

How Long Does Reckless Driving Stay on Your Record?

Reckless driving is a serious offense that impacts your clear driving record. Here’s the typical duration:

  • General Duration: Reckless driving can stay on your driving record for 5-10 years, depending on the state.
  • Insurance Impact: This offense may affect your insurance rates for a similar duration, leading to higher premiums.
  • Expungement: Some states allow for the expungement of reckless driving records after a certain period, provided you meet specific conditions.

How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Driving Record?

A DUI conviction has severe consequences for your clear driving record. Here’s what to expect:

  • General Duration: A DUI can stay on your driving record for 5-10 years or longer, depending on state laws.
  • Permanent Record: In some states, a DUI may remain on your record permanently.
  • Impact on Insurance: A DUI typically results in significantly higher insurance rates for several years.

How Long Do Speeding Tickets Stay on Your Driving Record?

Speeding tickets are common violations that affect your clean driving record. Here’s how long they usually stay:

  • General Duration: Speeding tickets typically remain on your driving record for 3-5 years.
  • Impact on Points: Each speeding ticket adds points to your record, which can affect your driving privileges and insurance rates.
  • Removal Options: Completing a defensive driving course or traffic school may help reduce the points from speeding tickets on your record.