Property Records Search

Ownership History, Mortgage Records, Purchase History, Value & Assessment & More!

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Databases Updated on Jul 27, 2024

What Information is Available in Property Reports?

Owner Information

Owner Information

Discover all the current and previous Owners, their Contact information;Email Address, Phone Number, Full Name or Company Name, and other Public Records. Our search tool gathers data from thousands of different databases.

Property Details

Property Details

Get to knoweverything about a property, such as square footage, acreage, building area, parking or garage access, foundation, flooring, roof framing, electricity, water supply, number of stories, building style, number of units and more.

Property Value

Property Value

See a property’s calculated Total Value, Land Value, Improvement Value, Assessed Value, Market Value within seconds, then use this valuable information to make the right decision. It can’t get easier than this! Just use our lookup tool.

Mortgage Records

Mortgage Records

Know any given property’s Mortgage details, such as mortgage Amount, DeedType,Date, Loan Type, Lender name, Lender code, Term code, Due Date, second Mortgage Loan, second Mortgage Amount, and second mortgage Deed Type.

Property Sales Records

Property Sales Records

Access all past sales of the Property, dates and amounts for each transaction. With a few clicks of the mouse you can spot your future home’s sale prices over the years, buyer’s names and the historic values. Now you can make the right decision.

Judgments & Foreclosures

Judgments & Foreclosures

Are there any liens linked to the property? Has it been foreclosed? Court judgments and connected facts about any given property are at your fingertips. Our online search tool provides them in a simple yet documented section right on your screen.

What are Property Records?

What are Property Records?

Property records refer to public information or legal documents about real estate transfers and transactions. The term “Property records” can also strictly refer to the deed that indicates the legal owner. In general, property records are being kept by the Registry of Deeds and provide specificsabout plots of land or buildings, such as Address, Value, Liens, and Ownership History. Each time a property is transferred from one person to another,it’sofficially recorded with the county records department.

Any type of property transfer, purchase, sale, whether they’re transmitted through a will or as a gift, as well as encumbrances or liens on the title – all this data is ready to be disclosed by Property Records. They can be consulted for various reasons: disputes over the chain of title, resolving outstanding lien problems, sharing inheritances, mortgage issues, solving boundary lines disagreements. Due to data digitalization, now you can perform a property title search online, with just a few clicks and find out who is the legal owner of a property.

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