Free VIN Number Lookup & VIN Check

Ownership History, Car Details, Salvage Records, Accidents, Repairs & More!

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Databases Updated on Jan 20, 2025

What Information is Available in VIN Reports?

Title Records

Title Records

Check the title historyof any given vehicle you want to purchase. Find out in due time aboutany issues, who owned it, basic title information, what happened to it in the past and more by just conducting an online search on our website.

Odometer Records

Odometer Records

Avoid being a victim of odometer tampering on your next car purchase! Get crucial information about any car through our lookup tool. A vehicle’s Mileage and Ownership History, Readings and Statements can be disclosed at a click of the mouse.

Lien Records

Lien Records

Is your next car attached to a complicated lien? Get to know in a few seconds! By hitting “Search Now” you’ll learn about the Ownership of the car, Outstanding Liens, Amounts, parties involved and check the Status of the Lien.

Previous Damages

Previous Damages

Know exactly what you purchase! Sellers might not disclose previous car damages or accidents, but you can tap thousands of records with our lookup tool. Get all theRepair and Rebuilddetails in a quick online report before you go any further.

Recalls & Defects

Recalls & Defects

Make sure the vehicle you are about to buyhas not had any recalls or defects. Hasit been repaired properly? With an instant search, you can know enough tomake the right decision, without venturing into a costly mistake that you will regret later.

Sale History

Sale History

If you want to see how many previous owners the car had, the Date it was first registered, Mileage Readings on each transfer or Lien Holders, we can help. Press “Search now” and get all the data you need within a few seconds.

What are VIN Records?

What are VIN Records?

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) records keep track of a vehicle's identity and history. VIN Records includefacts gathered from different databases, Junk, Salvage and Loss Records,Fire, Hail and Flood Damage, Recalls and Defects, Repair & Rebuild information, Vehicle Title Records, prior Accidents and Damages, Mileage, Records of Inspections, Current and Past Owners. Year, Make and Model are also covered.

As they can take up to six months to show up in federal databases, you can use the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s database. However,there is a quicker way, especially if you want to be sure your next car has a clean title historyand has not been involved in an accident, theft or lien.Tap into millions of vehicle records from any device connected to internet. You just need to enter any VIN and easy-to-read reports will instantly show up on your screen.You will find out all the facts, and more in just a few seconds. Use our lookup to search, understand, compare and pick the right car.

How to Decode a VIN

The numbers and letters that make up the Vehicle Identification Numbers are not random. Much like your driver’s license number, they tell a story. The story is who made the car, the make model and engine type and where the car was built. Here is a breakdown of the entire 17 characters and what they mean.

How to Decode a VIN
  • 1 This first character tells us the country in which the vehicle was built.
  • 2, 3 The second and third characters are a code for the manufacturer.
  • 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 These characters use a code to tell us the brand of the vehicle, the engine size, and type.
  • 9 This character is a unique security code authorizing that it is indeed a legitimate VIN from the manufacturer.
  • 10 This shows us the model year of the car. There is a code list for each year.
  • 11 The eleventh character stands for which plant manufactured the vehicle.
  • 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 These characters comprise the serial number for the car.

Country Codes

  • 1 United States
  • 2 Canada
  • 3 Mexico
  • 4, 5 United States
  • 6 Australia
  • 9 Brazil
  • V Yugoslavia
  • F France
  • J Japan
  • K Korea
  • W Germany
  • L Taiwan
  • Y Sweden
  • S England
  • Z Italy

Manufacturer Codes

  • A Audi, Mitsubishi, Range Rover, American Motors, Sterling, Alfa Romeo, Maserati, and Jaguar
  • B Dodge
  • C Chrysler. Checker, Delorian, some Geo Metro’s and Trackers
  • D Daihatsu and Mercedes
  • E Eagle
  • F Ford, some Subaru’s, i.e., Forrester and Impreza, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault, and Ferrari. Note regarding Subaru, Fiat Peugeot, Renault and Ferrari, the 2nd Character = F, means the vehicle was manufactured in France.
  • G General Motors (Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, GMC, Saturn, and some Geo Metros and Trackers)
  • H Honda and Acura
  • J Jeep
  • L Lancia, Daewoo, and Lincoln
  • M Hyundai and Mini
  • N Infinity, Nissan, Kia and Ford Aspires, possibly Ford Festiva, and possibly some Toyotas.
  • P Porshe and Plymouth
  • S Isuzu, Saab, some Subaru’s (i.e., Baja and Legacy) and Suzuki
  • T Toyota and Lexus
  • U Aro
  • V Volkswagen and Volvo
  • X Yugo
  • Y Mazda and Geo Prizm
  • Z Mercury
  • 2 Avanti
  • 3 American General (Hummer)
  • 8 Chevrolet Luv and Geo Storm
  • 9 Acura

Manufacturing Year Codes

  • A 1980 or 2010
  • B 1981 or 2011
  • C 1982 or 2012
  • D 1983 or 2013
  • E 1984 or 2014
  • F 1985 or 2015
  • G 1986 or 2016
  • H 1987 or 2017
  • J 1988 or 2018
  • K 1989 or 2019
  • L 1990
  • M 1991
  • N 1992
  • P 1993
  • R 1994
  • S 1995
  • T 1996
  • V 1997
  • W 1998
  • X 1999
  • Y 2000
  • 1 2001
  • 2 2002
  • 3 2003
  • 4 2004
  • 5 2005
  • 6 2006
  • 7 2007
  • 8 2008
  • 9 2009

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