The CANPASS or Canadian Passenger Accelerated Service System is a series of programs that expedites the clearance process of frequent, low-risk, pre-screened travelers entering Canada.
CANPASS is only available for Air and Marine travel. The different CANPASS programs are:
- CANPASS Air (for passengers of commercial airlines)
- CANPASS – Corporate Aircraft (for travelers who use company-owned aircraft for business purposes)
- CANPASS – Private Aircraft (for those who use private aircraft)
- CANPASS – Private Boats (for those who travel by private pleasure boats)
How to Apply for CANPASS
- Step 1: Download the form here.
- Step 2: Complete and sign the application form.
- Step 3: Submit the form along with the non-refundable fee and photocopies of your supporting documents to the nearest Canadian Processing Centre.
CANPASS Air applications can be sent to only these addresses:
British Columbia
28–176th Street,
Surrey, BC, V3S 9R9
Telephone: (604) 538-3689 / 1-866-496-3987
400 Place d’Youville,
Montréal, QC, H2Y 2C2
Telephone: (514) 350-6137
For non Air CANPASS programs, send you applications to any of these centers:
British Columbia
28–176th Street,
Surrey, BC, V3S 9R9
Telephone: (604) 538-3689 / 1-866-496-3987
400 Place d’Youville,
Montréal, QC, H2Y 2C2
Telephone: (514) 350-6137
6080 Mcleod Road, P.O. Box 126
Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7T4