Monticello – Bloomfield Border Crossing


Monticello Bloomfield border crossing

The Monticello – Bloomfield border crossing is a very small, quiet port of entry that is typically used by the locals. It connects the towns of Monticello, Maine and Bloomfield, New Brunswick. Between 1997 to 2001, the US border station had a remote video inspection system that allowed people to enter the US even when the port was closed. Today, locked gates block the road when the border station is not open.


Hours of Operations & Wait Times in Monticello Bloomfield

The US port of entry is open Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 4 pm (EST). The Canadian border station, on the other hand, has seasonal hours. From June 1 to October 31, the port is open daily 9 am to 5 pm. From November 1 to May 31, the Canadian port is open Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.

The Monticello – Bloomfield border crossing is not heavily trafficked, so there are typically no delays when using this port of entry. If you want to get updates on border wait times while on the go, you can use the CBP Border Wait Times app (Google Play or iTunes) or the CanBorder app.


Weather, Traffic & Road Conditions

Traffic is light at this small and remote port of entry. Travelers heading to Maine can get updates on traffic situations in the state by calling 511 or 866-282-7578. The state also uses the Twitter account @MaineDOT to give traffic and road conditions reports to the public. New Brunswick also has a similar travel information hotline (511 or 800-561-4063) that travelers can call for traffic-related information.


Contact & Directions for Your Trip

If you have any questions regarding the Monticello – Bloomfield border crossing, you can get in touch with one of the border officials at the Canadian or US facilities using the phone numbers listed below. To drive to this port of entry, you can follow the map as well as the directions posted below.

Find Directions to the Border Crossing on the Map

How to Get to the Border?
Head north to Monticello via US Route 1. Drive past the town center until you reach the Fletcher Road. Continue east until you reach the US-Canada border. Head north on NB Route 550 until you reach Line Road in Bloomfield. Continue west until you reach the US-Canada border.

Address & Phone Numbers

  • U.S.: 590 Fletcher Road, Monticello, ME 04760
  • US Customs: (207) 538-9475
  • Canada: 185 Line Road, Bloomfield NB E7K 1C5
  • Canadian Customs: (506) 328-3872

Things to Know About Monticello – Bloomfield Border Crossing:

  • The nearest hospital to Monticello, Maine is the Houlton Regional Hospital, around 25 km away.
  • Travel services are limited in the area surrounding the Monticello – Bloomfield border crossing. It is recommended that you fill up with gas and carry an emergency road kit if you are heading here.

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