Jackman – Armstrong Border Crossing


Jackman Armstrong border crossing

The Jackman – Armstrong border crossing is one of only two 24-hour ports of entry between Maine and Quebec. It is located between the towns of Jackman, Maine and Saint-Théophile, Quebec. The town of Jackman was actually named after Captain James Jackman, the man that the state of Maine hired to build the road that connects the US to Canada back in the 1830s.

The Jackman ME border crossing is located in a remote area called the Highlands which is surrounded by woods, mountains, and dirt logging roads. While the located of the port is remote, it is still one of the top 25 most used border crossings along the US-Canada border carrying approximately 500 vehicles each day. Most of the vehicles that pass through are passenger vehicles, around 5 autos for every truck that uses this border crossing.


Hours of Operations & Wait Times in Jackman Armstrong

The Jackman – Armstrong border crossing is open 24/7 to all vehicles. It is actually the busiest port of entry in Western Maine so you should expect a bit of delay when passing through. To get current wait times for this border crossing, you can visit the US CBP website. The CanBorder app and the CBP Border Wait Times app on Google Play or iTunes can help you monitor delays at border crossings while you’re on the go.


Weather, Traffic & Road Conditions

Around 500 vehicles passing through this port daily so you may experience a bit of traffic, especially during peak hours. If you want to check the current state of the roads heading to the Jackman ME border station, you can call 511 or 866-282-7578, the travel information service hotline of Maine. There’s also a Twitter account (@MaineDOT) that you can follow for updates on traffic and road conditions in the area. Quebec also has a 511 travel information service that even provides real-time footage on the Jackman – Armstrong border crossing.


Contact & Directions for Your Trip

To get more information about this particular border crossing, you can call the customs officials using the phone numbers listed below. To reach the Jackman – Armstrong port of entry, please follow the map and the directions provided below.

Find Directions to the Border Crossing on the Map

How to Get to the Border?
The Jackman – Armstrong border crossing is located at the northern end of US Route 201 and the southern end of Quebec Route 173.

Address & Phone Numbers

  • U.S.: 2614 Main Street, Sandy Bay Twp., ME 04945
  • US Customs: (207) 668-3711
  • Canada: 999 Highway 173, Saint-Théophile QC G0M 2A0
  • Canadian Customs: (418) 597-3395

Things to Know About Jackman – Armstrong Border Crossing:

  • During the prohibition, a line house was built right on the international boundary enabling establishments to sell alcohol on the Quebec side of the building while the entrance remained in Maine.
  • Ice fishing, geocaching, hunting, trapping, and snowmobiling are just a few of the activities that you can enjoy in Jackman, Maine.
  • If you’re looking for holiday fun, Three Rivers Whitewater is one of the best places for vacation.
  • Moosehead Family Campground is located in the town of Greenville the heart of the Maine north woods and just minutes from majestic Moosehead Lake.

Links of Interest