Public Records Search

Contact Info, Criminal Records, Civil Court Cases, Vital Records & More!

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Databases Updated on Jul 27, 2024

What Information is Available in Public Reports?

Contact Info

Contact Info

Locate Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, Home and Work Addresses, Social Media Profiles, Professional Contactsand Family Members for any given individual. Our lookup tool connects you to thousands of wide-ranging databases.

Criminal Records

Criminal Records

Get to know someone’s full criminal past and whether they’ve ever been guilty of Murder, Assault, Fraud, Theft,Kidnapping, and more.See the Felonies and Misdemeanors they committed,Warrants, Convictions, Mugshots, Incarceration & Inmate records.

Civil Records

Civil Records

Gain instant access to information about someone’s past or current Civil Court actions, including records based on Bankruptcy Filings, Legal Judgments, Liens, Lawsuits, Assetsand more. All this data is a click away, instantly accessible from your devices.

Vital Records

Vital Records

Including Birth, Death and Marriage data, vital records are the primary source of information for someone’s Date and Place Of Birth; Full Name, Parents’ Names, Marital Status, Spouse Name, Divorces; Date, Place and Cause of Death.

What are Public Records?

What are Public Records?

Public records refer to all the information legally filed, held and maintained by government offices or agencies. Some documents are kept by federal, state, county and town institutions. Most public records are open to the public, meaning they can be accessed and reviewed by anyone. In some cases, they might be confidential or sealed;therefore,the members of the public cannot check them anymore.

The ones that can be consulted for free are Criminal Records, Tax Liens and Judgments, Bankruptcies and Court Records. Public records are usually available in a physical form and can be read by request at the institution that storesthem. Public records may exist in different tangible formats, such as paper or photographs, or multimedia: databases, CDs or DVDs. Data digitalization made it possible for private websites to aggregate millions of public records from a wide variety of legitimate sources. Our lookup tool, for instance,provides access to any given civil or criminal information, with just a quick online search.

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