Arkansas Police Records

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Databases Updated on Sep 15, 2024

What are Arkansas Police Records?

The Arkansas State Police was established in 1935 by then-governor J.M. Futrell and Arkansas' General Assembly. Officers were then known as "Rangers," and later referred to as "Troopers." Services provided by the department include driver examinations and fatal crash reports; regulatory services for criminal background checks, private investigators and alarm monitoring, concealed handgun carry licenses, sales of explosives, used motor vehicle dealer licenses; and other services such as Silver and Amber alerts and administration of the Highway Safety Office.

Arkansas Police Divisions

The Arkansas Police Department has five divisions: Highway Patrol, Criminal Investigations, Crimes Against Children, Administrative Services and Regulatory & Building Services. Highway patrol is comprised of two regions, Western and Eastern. Aside from monitoring the state's highways, this division also compiles information and statistics about fatal crashes and administers driver exams.

Officers assigned to criminal investigations provide services in cases for both the state police and local law enforcement. The crimes against children division manages reporting systems and investigations in cases of child neglect and abuse, rape and domestic violence.

Administrative services is comprised of 300 civilian employees who provide daily support to troopers.

Regulatory and building operations services oversee licensing for specific businesses such as private investigators, used motor vehicle dealers and precious metals. This division also oversees regulatory issues such as concealed handgun permits, fire alarms and sprinklers, crash records and criminal history records.

Requesting Arkansas Police Records

The Regulatory and Building Operations division of Arkansas State Police provides police and criminal record checks according to state law. Arkansas requires that the subject of the search provide a signed consent before records will be provided. National fingerprint checks can be requested from the FBI.

Pricing for a criminal history check are as follows: $25 for a state criminal history check; $22 for state name check; $11 for state name check for volunteers; $13 for national fingerprint check; and $11.75 for national fingerprint check for volunteers. Requests for the state check should be submitted to:

Arkansas State Police

1 State Police Plaza Drive

Little Rock, AR 72209

Arkansas Arrest Records by Type of Crime

The popular arrests for 2017 in Arkansas was for All Other Offenses (except traffic) - 56,173, the same popularity of the arrest type was seen in Alabama, Alaska, and Arizona. The least popularity had Arson arrests - with only 45 crimes a year.

Arrest Type Under 18 All ages Total arrests
Violent Crime 459 4,715 5,174
Property Crime 1,562 12,355 13,917
Murder & Non-negligent Manslaughter 15 138 153
Rape 46 238 284
Robbery 101 563 664

AR Police Departments by Cities