Idaho Police Records

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Databases Updated on Dec 26, 2024

What are Idaho Police Records?

The Idaho State Police have provided the main law enforcement standards in the state since 1919. Its department includes Forensic Services, Brand Inspector, Patrol, Investigations, Commercial Vehicle Safety, Alcohol Beverage Control, Bureau of Criminal Identification, Idaho State Sex Offender Repository and Peace Officer Standards and Training.

In the year 2000, the state's legislature changed the Idaho Department of Law Enforcement to the Idaho State Police. It is overseen by an appointed Director. Departments include the Racing Commission, Financial & Surplus, POST Academy, ISP Training and Planning, Grants & Research.

Divisions of Idaho Police

The Idaho Police conduct investigations and patrol the state while separated into 6 districts. Forensic Services manages three crime labs in the state and provides the police force with forensic evidence testing in ongoing investigations. The Alcohol Beverage Commission provides free awareness training to the public, outlines and enforces distribution rights, home brewing information, alcohol licenses and enforces penalties associated with alcohol beverage violations.

Idaho's Police Brand Inspector is charged with the responsibility of overseeing changes in ownership of livestock, animals traveling over the state line, or those which are headed to slaughter. The Bureau of Criminal Identification is the main repository of criminal records, statistics and other criminal information for the state. Fingerprints and arrest records such as mug shots and physical descriptions of past offenders aid law enforcement when searching for suspects or wanted persons.

Commercial Vehicle Safety is in charge of enforcing laws and licenses required for commercial vehicles to operate within state lines.

Requesting Idaho Police Records

The Bureau of Criminal Identification is the state's source of arrest and warrant records, sex offender registry and fingerprinting services and identification. A member of the general public can conduct a background check on a person based on a name only without their prior approval. However, any arrest more than 12 months old that has no disposition in the system cannot be disclosed.

Idaho Arrest Records by Type of Crime

The popular arrests for 2017 in Idaho was for All Other Offenses (except traffic) - 22,805, the same popularity of the arrest type was seen in Alabama, Alaska, and Arizona. The least popularity had Suspicion arrests - with only 8 crimes a year.

Arrest Type Under 18 All ages Total arrests
Violent Crime 184 1,441 1,625
Property Crime 1,246 5,192 6,438
Rape 49 120 169
Robbery 19 70 89
Aggravated Assault 116 1,241 1,357