Colorado Police Records

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Databases Updated on Dec 22, 2024

What are Colorado Police Records?

The Colorado Department of Public Safety is comprised of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, Division of Homeland Security, Colorado State Patrol, Division of Criminal Justice and Fire Prevention and Control. These divisions were created by the state's legislature.

44 men began the Colorado State Patrol in 1935, with four law enforcement agencies located throughout the state. At that time, there weren't any radio communications available to officers, so when there was an emergency a red flag was posted outside gas stations that received calls from the dispatcher. As per the state's Patrol Act, these officers are charged with promoting safety, protection of human life and preservation of Colorado highways.

Divisions of Colorado Police

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation provides investigative and forensic laboratory services to state, county and local government agencies. It also records criminal record data and manages its distribution and protection.

The Division of Criminal Justice provides funds to criminal justice offices throughout the state. These funds are procured through grants, budget allowances and research.

Colorado's State Patrol is charged with protecting the state's capitol, its governor and enforcing traffic laws.

The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management responds to hazardous events and acts of terrorism, while working to prevent such events and protecting civilians during the process.

The Division of Fire Prevention and Control enforces local fire codes and certifies firefighters. It also educates the public and law enforcement on wildfire prevention and coordinates responses to such events.

Requesting Colorado Police Records

Statewide criminal records are maintained by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Juvenile records, personally identifiable information, warrants and sealed records are not available for the public to review. Local police stations maintain information on registered sex offenders on their websites. Arrest records available through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation are required to be supported by fingerprint information, but all such records except those named above are available for public viewing.

Colorado Arrest Records by Type of Crime

The popular arrests for 2017 in Colorado was for All Other Offenses (except traffic) - 114,976, the same popularity of the arrest type was seen in Alabama, Alaska, and Arizona. The least popularity had Gambling arrests - with only 21 crimes a year.

Arrest Type Under 18 All ages Total arrests
Violent Crime 773 7,721 8,494
Property Crime 3,921 27,157 31,078
Murder & Non-negligent Manslaughter 18 176 194
Rape 58 442 500
Robbery 230 1,203 1,433