Nashville, NC Nash Correctional Institution View

Nash Correctional Institution houses adult male offenders in medium security environments. Housing is in single cells and dayroom beds. Offenders work in two Correction Enterprises industrial plants. Offenders are assigned to the Nash print plant that does much of the document and publication printing for state government agencies. Offenders also work in an optical plant that manufactures eyeglasses for offenders and Medicaid patients. Offenders also work in a variety of service jobs around the prison. The Nash campus consists of 15 buildings, including medical facilities, vocational and recreational buildings, a gatehouse, dining hall, a chapel, a 20-cell segregation unit, and four 128-cell housing units. The first prison at this site opened in 1938, a close custody facility known as Nash Prison Unit. In the early 1960s, Nash went through a series of changes, including conversion to a misdemeanor facility, a medium custody prison, and finally to a minimum custody unit. In 1970, it was renamed Nash Advancement Center and then renamed Nash Correctional Center in 1988. Nash Correctional Center became part of the newly built Nash Correctional Institution in 1992. The old Nash Correctional Center facility is used for training and storage..

Nash Correctional Institution Contact Details

How to Send Money to Nash Correctional Institution

Family and friends can send money to inmates at Nash Correctional Institution through approved methods to help them purchase essential items from the commissary.