Oakdale, IA Iowa Medical and Classification Center View

The Iowa Medical and Classification Center (IMCC), located in Coralville, currently houses an average daily population of approximately 950 offenders. IMCC serves as the reception and classification center for all those entering the adult male institutional corrections system, which is estimated to be 400-500 new commitments every month that are then processed on to the other facilities. However, IMCC is a multi-faceted facility that employs a diversified professional workforce providing comprehensive services to both offenders and patients. A medium security general population unit is in operation at IMCC and the Center also runs the only licensed forensic psychiatric hospital in the state, providing inpatient psychiatric and evaluation services to non-adjudicated patients. An additional unit consisting of 178 medical and psychiatric beds was added in 2007 to meet the increasing mental health and medical needs of the correctional population. The professional health care staff at IMCC include Psychiatrists, Medical Physicians, Psychologists, Nursing, Social Workers, Laboratory, Radiology, Respiratory, Dental, Optometry, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, as well as others. Educational opportunities available to IMCC offenders/patients include instruction towards completion of their HiSET, Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, Vocational, post-secondary, and special education classes are provided for those meeting eligibility requirements..

Iowa Medical and Classification Center Contact Details

How to Send Money to Iowa Medical and Classification Center

Family and friends can send money to inmates at Iowa Medical and Classification Center through approved methods to help them purchase essential items from the commissary.