West Virginia Child Support

How to Apply for Child Support in West Virginia

Any person with primary custody of a child who is living with them is welcome to apply for child support services through the West Virginia Bureau of Child Support Enforcement. There are no fees associated with applying for the program, but you must have a valid email address when applying online. Paper applications are also available at your local child support office. Applicants will need to completely fill out the forms and provide information such as the social security number of the child. Once completed, either submit the forms online or bring the application to the nearest child support office.
Download Forms.

How to Calculate Child Support in West Virginia?

Calculating what your support obligation will depend on your and the other parent’s average monthly income. The parent who makes a larger percentage of the combined income will be required to contribute a greater amount of money towards supporting the child.

How to Claim and Pay Child Support

Many parents in West Virginia make payments through income withholding, so they are automatically deducted from the parent’s income. In other cases, parents can make payments by credit card or through direct mail. Questions about payments should be directed to the customer service unit at 1-800-249-3778. Parents receiving payments will need to sign up for either direct deposit to their bank account or a state-issued debit card.

Child Support Performance Stats for West Virginia

In West Virginia, nearly 34 percent of families are not receiving their current support payments. In 2013, only about seven percent of the total past-due payments were collected and distributed by the state.

Statistics for Regular On-Time Payments Collection

Other Incentive Performance Measures

Performance Measures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Statewide Paternity Establishment (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
IV-D Paternity Establishment (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Support Order Establishment (%) 88.29 89.17 87.19 90.9 91.66
Cost-Effectiveness ($) 4.99 5.01 5.03 5.29 4.86

Total Number of Children in the Child Support Program

Total Distributed Collections and Total Administrative Expenditures ($ Millions)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total Distributed Collections ($) 195.41 196.52 195.99 199.21 188.5
Total Distributed to Families ($) 190.18 191.47 191.09 194.16 183.66
Total Administrative Expenditures ($) 41.68 41.66 41.29 39.81 41.03

Average Collections per Case with Collections

Can the Support Be Paid Off Early?

If you’d like to pay off your obligation early, then you need to speak with the caseworker at your local child support office. Never try to make additional payments directly to the parent.

What Will happen if You fall Behind Child Support Payment?

  • Interception of income or unemployment benefits
  • Revocation of your driver’s license
  • Interception of tax refunds
  • Liens on property
  • Criminal charges
  • Possible jail time

Can You Get Alimony and Support at the Same Time?

If you are going through a divorce, then it’s possible courts will award both alimonies, to support the spouse, and the support to help the child.

Can You Stop the Support Payments?

You shouldn’t stop making payments unless your obligation has ended and all outstanding debts have been paid. Courts will still enforce support orders when parents are sick, unemployed or otherwise unable to pay unless the parent contacts their support office to ask about their options.

Child Support and Taxes

Parents who are new to their support orders may wonder how their new living arrangements, orders and responsibilities will impact them during tax season. The most important decision parents will need to make is determining which person will claim the youngster as a dependent for tax purposes. Only one parent may do this when they don’t live together, and this parent will receive a tax credit.

Can Child Support Payments Be Claimed on Taxes in West Virginia?

No, paying parents won’t receive any sort of deduction or credit for court-ordered payments. These should not be claimed by the paying parent on their West Virginia or federal-level tax returns.

How Does My Child Support Affect My Taxes in West Virginia?

Parents who receive payments are not required to report them as income on tax returns. Support is considered “tax-neutral” in West Virginia, so it shouldn’t impact taxes at all.

Can Child Support Be Taken Pre-Tax?

Whether you are paying through income withholding or another method, payments won’t be taken pre-tax. The money will have already been taxed prior to being paid to the child support office.

Can Child Support Take My Federal Tax Return?

Yes, both the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement and the Internal Revenue Service have given West Virginia’s child support agencies the authority to intercept tax refunds to offset past-due child support debts.

Paternity Establishment

Paternity establishment describes the process of naming a male as the legal father of a child. State courts can help parents with this process, but usually, this legal determination needs to be made before the child turns 18-years-old. This process is necessary when a child is born out of wedlock or prior to a couple’s separation.

How Do You Establish Paternity?

Paternity may be established automatically through marriage, voluntarily through forms signed by both parents or though court-ordered genetic testing.

What Rights Does a Father Have If Not On Birth Certificate?

Paternity must be established before a father can be named on the child’s birth certificate, and the father will have no legal rights to the child until he is listed on the birth certificate.

Can a Mother Refuse Me a Paternity Test?

Mothers may try to refuse a father a paternity test, but potential fathers have a right to request genetic testing to determine the father of the child when paternity is contested.

How to Establish Paternity If the Father Is Deceased?

If the father has passed away, then it will be more difficult to establish paternity. Mothers should contact the local child support office to ask about their options. If mothers petition the courts, then it may be possible to conduct genetic testing to confirm the deceased parent’s paternity.

Can a Father Get a Paternity Test Without the Mother?

Most genetic tests require samples from the child, mother, and father. Courts may order parents to submit to genetic tests during a paternity hearing. If the mother fails to comply, then West Virginia courts can hold her in contempt of court.

How Long Does a Father Have to Establish Paternity in West Virginia?

Fathers may sign a Declaration of Paternity Affidavit together with the child’s mother at the hospital or by appointment at a local health department office. Fathers must establish paternity in West Virginia by the time the child turns 18-years-old. If the action is brought by the child, then paternity can be established up until the child’s 21st birthday.

Support Order Establishment

Legal fatherhood comes with certain rights and responsibilities. If the legal father doesn’t have primary custody of the child, then it’s likely he will be ordered to pay a basic amount of child support to the custodial parent. These payments are required through a court’s establishment of a child support order.

State Child Support Orders

These support orders will cover a portion of the child’s basic living expenses, and they are typically required until the child reaches the age of majority. Failing to make regular payments is considered willful defiance of a court order. Various enforcement measures will be levied against the non-paying parent when they fail to make payments.

Can the Support Be Modified?

Yes, it is possible to modify support orders in certain circumstances. Both parents have a right to request a review or modification of a current order.

Parents can request a review for modification when there has been a significant change in either the parent’s or child’s circumstances or when it has been at least 36 months since the order was initiated.

How Do I File For a Modification of Child Support?

Parents can file for a modification of support by filling out the following forms: Petition for Modification, Financial statement, Petitioner’s Civil Case Information Sheet and a BSCE Application and Income Withholding Form.

Can a Support Order Be Appealed?

In rare circumstances, orders may be appealed based on wrongfully determined paternity. Otherwise, orders may be terminated based on a change in circumstances.

Do You Need a Lawyer to Modify the Support?

No. Parents can ask for a lawyer’s help, but West Virginia’s Bureau for Child Support Enforcement can also assist parents in filing the proper paperwork.

Child Support Enforcement

How Long Does Child Support Enforcement Take?

Enforcement actions can take several weeks to begin. Enforcement measures can be taken as soon as a judge confirms the non-payment and seeks an enforcement action.

What to Do When the Support Is Not Paid?

When you aren’t receiving your rightful payments, parents should report the non-payment to their support office.

What Happens If I’m Not Paying Child Support?

If you aren’t paying, then enforcement measures may be levied against you such as wage garnishment or revocation or drivers’ licenses.

How Much Overdue Child Support Payment Can Be Considered a Felony?

The federal government considers it a felony for a parent to willfully avoid paying for over two years or amounts over $10,000.

Can the Support Debt be Forgiven?

West Virginia does have programs that allow forgiveness of interest when parents pay off all debts owed during a certain tie period, but all parties must voluntarily agree to forgive the interest. The debts themselves must be paid.

Support Order Termination

How Do I Stop a Child Support Order?

File a request for modification with the courts. 

When Can I Apply for Child Support Termination?

Parents can apply for child support termination when the child reaches the age of majority and has graduated high school.

Can the Custodial Parent Close a Support Case?

Yes, custodial parents can request a support case be closed at any time.

When Can I Stop Paying the Support?

In West Virginia, the age of majority is 18-years-old. Support may continue past this age when the child is a student in a secondary school.

18 is the age of majority in West Virginia. Parents can also terminate the obligation when the child has gotten married, passed away or joined the military.

West Virginia Hearing Rights

Parents in West Virginia are provided the right to a hearing when paternity is contested, custody arrangements need to be established, financial support orders need to be entered into or a modification request on a current order has been received by the court.

WV Child Support Guidelines

West Virginia’s guidelines require courtrooms to calculate obligation amounts based on the percentage each parent contributes to the combined gross income of both parents and appropriate deductions.

West Virginia Child Support Coverage

What Is Child Support Meant to Cover?

Support is meant to cover a portion of the basic living expenses of a child including shelter, food, clothing, and other needs.

Does the Support Cover Medical Care Expenses?

Yes, current West Virginia child support laws require that every support order that is enforced by state agencies must include a provision for health care coverage for medical expenses.

What if Both Parents are working, will the Support Cover Child Care Services?

Childcare expenses are considered mandatory deductions when calculating the support, so these expenses will be covered by the parent’s support payments.

Are Car Maintenance Costs Covered by the Support?

Typically, car maintenance costs would not be covered by a non-custodial parent’s payments.

What is Considered Basic Entertainment for the Support?

Basic entertainment involves activities geared toward providing age-appropriate stimulation to children. Expenses incurred may go toward amusement park visits, museum trips, books, video games or television programs.

Are School and College expenses Covered by the Support in West Virginia?

No. West Virginia does not enforce the support payments towards college tuition.

West Virginia’s state guidelines don’t consider educational costs when determining a basic obligation amount.

Are Extracurricular Activities covered by Support?

Possibly. Courts have the discretion to order financial support related to extracurricular activities.

West Virginia Child Support Offices

Institution name Physical address Email address Phone number Website
Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 350 Capitol Street Rm 147, Charleston, WV N/A (304) 558-3780 https://dhhr.wv.gov/BCSE/Pages/BCSE.aspx

County Child Support Offices in WV

County name Institution name Physical address Email address Phone number Website
Barbour County Barbour County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 271 Mattaliano Drive, Philippi, WV 26416 DHHRBCSERandolph@wv.gov 1(304) 637-5560 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=barbour
Berkeley County Berkeley County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 433 Mid Atlantic Center, Martinsburg, WV 25402 DHHRBCSEBerkeley@wv.gov 1(304) 267-0110 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=berkeley
Boone County Boone County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement Rt 3 East Rock Creek Rd, Foster, WV 25081 DHHRBCSEBoone@wv.gov 1(304) 369-7817 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=boone
Braxton County Braxton County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 3734 Sutton Lane, Sutton, WV 26601 DHHRBCSEBraxton@wv.gov 1(304) 765-0430 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=braxton
Brooke County Brooke County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 100 Municipal Plaza Suite 600, Weirton, WV 26062 DHHRBCSEHancock@wv.gov 1(304) 794-3070 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=brooke
Cabell County Cabell County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 2699 Park Ave, Suite 100, Huntington, WV 25704 DHHRBCSECabell@wv.gov 1(304) 528-5818 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=cabell
Calhoun County Calhoun County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 85 Industrial Park Rd. , Grantsville, WV 26147 DHHRBCSELewis@wv.gov 1(304) 269-6820 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=calhoun
Clay County Clay County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 131 Main St, Clay, WV 25043 DHHRBCSEBraxton@wv.gov 1(304) 587-4268 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=clay
Doddridge County Doddridge County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 22 Herbert Ave, Smithburg, WV 26436 DHHRBCSEHarrison@wv.gov 1(304) 873-2031 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=doddridge
Fayette County Fayette County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1400 Virginia St, Oak Hill , WV 25901 DHHRBCSEFayette@wv.gov 1(304) 465-9613 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=fayette
Gilmer County Gilmer County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1493 WV Hwy 5 SE, Glenville, WV 26351 DHHRBCSELewis@wv.gov 1(304) 269-6820 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=gilmer
Grant County Grant County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 53 Kiess Drive, Petersburg, WV 26847 DHHRBCSEHardy@wv.gov 1(304) 257-4211 (On Wednesdays) https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=grant
Greenbrier County Greenbrier County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 316 Maplewood Ave., Suite 3, Lewisburg, WV 24901 DHHRBCSEGreenbrier@wv.gov 1(304) 647-7476 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=greenbrier
Hampshire County Hampshire County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 24954 Northwestern Pike, Romney, WV 26757 DHHRBCSEHampshire@wv.gov 1(304) 822-6900 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=hampshire
Hancock County Hancock County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 100 Municipal Plaza, Suite 600, Weirton, WV 26062 DHHRBCSEHancock@wv.gov 1(304) 794-3070 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=hancock
Hardy County Hardy County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 149 Robert C Byrd Industrial Pard Rd, Moorefield, WV 26836 DHHRBCSEHardy@wv.gov 1(304) 538-2391 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=hardy
Harrison County Harrison County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 153 W Main St, Clarksburg, WV 26301 DHHRBCSEHarrison@wv.gov 1(304) 627-2295 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=harrison
Jackson County Jackson County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 4285 Cedar Lakes Drive, Ripley, WV 25271 DHHRBCSEJackson@wv.gov 1(304) 373-2560 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=jackson
Jefferson County Jefferson County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 239 Willow Spring Drive, Charles Town , WV 25414 DHHRBCSEJefferson@wv.gov 1(304) 724-2600 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=jefferson
Kanawha County Kanawha County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement Village Place, 231 Capitol Street Suite 111, Charleston, WV 25301 DHHRBCSEKanawha@wv.gov 1(800) 249-3778 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=kanawha
Lewis County Lewis County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 91 Arnold Drive, Weston, WV 26452 DHHRBCSELewis@wv.gov 1(304) 269-6820 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=lewis
Lincoln County Lincoln County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 8209 Court Avenue, Hamlin, WV 25523 DHHRBCSELincoln@wv.gov 1(304) 824-5811 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=lincoln
Logan County Logan County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 130 Stratton Street, Logan, WV 25601 DHHRBCSELogan@wv.gov 1(304) 792-7079 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=logan
Marion County Marion County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 416 Adams Street Ste 516, Fairmont, WV 26554 DHHRBCSEMarion@wv.gov 1(304) 367-2771 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=marion
Marshall County Marshall County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 400 Teletch Drive Suite 2, Moundsville, WV 26041 DHHRBCSEMarshall@wv.gov 1(304) 843-4120 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=marshall
Mason County Mason County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1406 Kanawha St, Point Pleasant, WV 25550 DHHRBCSEJackson@wv.gov 1(304) 675-0880 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=mason
McDowell County McDowell County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 840 Virginia Ave, Welch, WV 24801 DHHRBCSEMcDowell@wv.gov 1(304) 436-8302 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=mcdowell
Mercer County Mercer County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 350 Davis Street, Princeton, WV 24739 DHHRBCSEMercer@wv.gov 1(304) 425-8738 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=mercer
Mineral County Mineral County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 18 North Tornado Way, Keyser, WV 26726 DHHRBCSEMineral@wv.gov 1(304) 788-4150 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=mineral
Mingo County Mingo County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 203 East Third Avenue, Williamson, WV 25661 DHHRBCSEMingo@wv.gov 1(304) 235-4680 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=mingo
Monongalia County Monongalia County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 118 South High Street, Morgantown, WV 25601 DHHRBCSEMonongalia@wv.gov 1(304) 285-3218 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=monongalia
Monroe County Monroe County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 174 Route 3 East, Union, WV 24983 DHHRBCSEGreenbrier@wv.gov 1(304) 772-3013 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=monroe
Morgan County Morgan County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 64 Regal Court, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 DHHRBCSEMorgan@wv.gov 1(304) 258-1350 (On Tuesdays and Thursdays) https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=morgan
Nicholas County Nicholas County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1073 Arbuckle Road, Summersville, WV 26651 DHHRBCSEBraxton@wv.gov 1(304) 872-0803 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=nicholas
Ohio County Ohio County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 69 16th St, Wheeling, WV 26003 DHHRBCSEOhio@wv.gov 1(304) 232-4417 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=ohio
Pendleton County Pendleton County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 100 Thorne Creek Road, Franklin, WV 26807 DHHRBCSEHardy@wv.gov 1(304) 538-2391 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=pendleton
Pleasants County Pleasants County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1655 South Pleasants Highway, St. Mary's, WV 26170 DHHRBCSEWood@wv.gov 1(304) 684-9244 (Second and fourth Monday of every month) https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=pleasants
Pocahontas County Pocahontas County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 211 Valhalla Lane, Marlinton, WV 24954 DHHRBCSEPocahontas@wv.gov 1(304) 799-2540 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=pocahontas
Preston County Preston County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 18351 Veterans' Memorial Highway, Kingwood, WV 26537 DHHRBCSEPreston@wv.gov 1(304) 329-4340 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=preston
Putnam County Putnam County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 12531 Winfield Road, Winfield, WV 25213 DHHRBCSEPutnam@wv.gov 1(304) 586-1520 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=putnam
Raleigh County Raleigh County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 407 Neville Street, Beckley, WV 25801 DHHRBCSERaleigh@wv.gov 1(304) 256-6973 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=raleigh
Randolph County Randolph County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1027 North Randolph Ave, Elkins, WV 26241 DHHRBCSERandolph@wv.gov 1(304) 637-5560 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=randolph
Ritchie County Ritchie County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 220 West Main Street, Harrisville, WV 26362 DHHRBCSEWood@wv.gov 1(304) 420-4980 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=ritchie
Roane County Roane County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 677 Ripley Road, Suite 3, Spencer, WV 25276 DHHRBCSERoane@wv.gov 1(304) 927-0956 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=roane
Summers County Summers County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 320 Summers Street, Suite A, Hinton, WV 25951 DHHRBCSEGreenbrier@wv.gov 1(304) 466-2807 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=summers
Taylor County Taylor County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 235 Barrett Street, Grafton, WV 26354 DHHRBCSEMarion@wv.gov 1(304) 367-2771 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=taylor
Tucker County Tucker County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 9346 Seneca Trail, Parsons, WV 26287 DHHRBCSERandolph@wv.gov 1(304) 637-5560 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=tucker
Tyler County Tyler County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1236 North State Road, State Route 2, New Martinsville, WV 26155 DHHRBCSEWetzel@wv.gov 1(304) 455-0920 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=tyler
Upshur County Upshur County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 34 Auction Lane, Buckhannon, WV 26201 DHHRBCSELewis@wv.gov 1(304) 269-6820 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=upshur
Wayne County Wayne County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 26452 East Lynn Road, Wayne, WV 25570 DHHRBCSEWayne@wv.gov 1(304) 272-6311 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=wayne
Webster County Webster County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 110 North Main Street, Suite 201, Webster Springs, WV 26628 DHHRBCSEBraxton@wv.gov (304) 847-2861 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=webster
Wetzel County Wetzel County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1236 North State Route 2, New Martinsville, WV 26155 DHHRBCSEWetzel@wv.gov 1(304) 455-0920 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=wetzel
Wirt County Wirt County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 124 Court Street, Suite 3, Elizabeth, WV 26143 DHHRBCSEWood@wv.gov 1(304) 275-6551 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=wirt
Wood County Wood County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 400 Fifth (5th) Street, Parkersburg, WV 26102 DHHRBCSEWood@wv.gov 1(304) 420-4980 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=wood
Wyoming County Wyoming County, WV Bureau for Child Support Enforcement 1767 Bearhole Rd, Pineville, WV 24874 DHHRBCSEWyoming@wv.gov 1(304) 732-6900 https://dhhr.wv.gov/bcse/Pages/county-details.aspx?County=wyoming