Owner Information, Vehicle Information, Public Records & More!
By using our license plate lookup tool you can find owner info, vehicle records, lien records and driving records. Our free search tool takes only seconds to get you your information. Start by just inputting the vehicle’s license plate number, then select the state you are searching and within seconds find all the data you need to know about the vehicle.
Discover who owns a particular vehicle, traffic records, court records, arrest records, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), basic vehicle title information, and much more by simply performing an online license plate search on our website.
Are you looking to see if a vehicle has been involved in a crash? Access title records, vehicle registration records, sale records, auto specifications, files with more vehicle information, including model and engine capacity, expired registrations and more.
Is there a lien on a car you want to buy? Uncover a vehicle's lien timeline, payment details, lien amount, affiliated debtors, creditors, and who currently has the legal ownership of the car. The sooner you find out, the better.
Check a driver’s history of DWIs, DUIs, aggressive driving, traffic tickets, speeding, revocations, suspensions, criminal driving offenses, traffic violations and more. All this information is right here.
License plate records hold all the basic details about a vehicle’s license plate number. Such records include owner information, vehicle history and technical specifications (such as year, make and model). According to the Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) there are some restrictions. In this case, conducting a license plate lookup needs either written consent, proving the link to licensed security or insurance services, or a statistical or business intent. Alternatively, it is also possible to do it for valid reasons connected to litigation, theft, driver safety, court orders or law enforcement.
Still, federal law rules that license plate records and driver information are considered public. According to the Freedom of Information Act, anyone has the right to access license plate records. By using our lookup tool, you can run as many searches as you wish. The resulting digital reports will be on your screen instantly and they will be very easy to understand.
Search over 2 billion records instantly. Easily find the information you are looking for with three easy steps- search, sign up, and view report.
We have one of the most comprehensive data coverages in the industry including state, federal, county, municipal, and private data sources when available.
With our unlimited search access, you can look up as many reports as you want! Others charge for every single search.
Millions of users rely on us to deliver accurate and current data for their information needs.
The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. You may be shocked by the information found in your search reports. Please search responsibly.
Recordsfinder.com is not a “consumer reporting agency” and does not supply “consumer reports” as those terms are defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Pursuant to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you acknowledge and agree not to use any information gathered through Recordsfinder.com for any purpose under the FCRA, including but not limited to evaluating eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or tenancy.
Searches of license plate and VIN information are available only for purposes authorized by the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (DPPA).
By clicking “I Agree” you consent to our Terms of Service, agree not to use the information provided by Recordsfinder.com for any unlawful purposes, and you understand that we cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete.
The search you are about to conduct on this website is a people search to find initial results of the search subject. You understand that any search reports offered from this website will only be generated with the purchase of the report or account registration.