Enoree, SC Tyger River Correctional Institution View

Opened: Upper Yard -1980, Lower Yard 1983 Custody level: Medium (Male) Education: Literacy, GED preparation and high school courses. Vocational Training: Carpentry, brick masonry, heating and air conditioning, auto body, and auto mechanics. Industries: Private sector industries program manufacturing hardwood flooring. Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available Programs: Religious services, volunteer services, recreational services, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Self Paced in Class Education Program (SPICE) Community Services: Provides a correctional officer-supervised litter crew who picks up trash along interstate highways. Participates in Adopt a School program providing labor for renovations to local high school. Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison..

Tyger River Correctional Institution Contact Details

Mailing to Tyger River Correctional Institution Inmates and Staff

Inmate Visiting Days and Hours

Day of Week Hours
Friday 4pm-7pm
Saturday 9:30am-12pm and from 1pm-5pm
Sunday 9:30am-12pm and from 1pm-5pm

How to Send Money to Tyger River Correctional Institution

Family and friends can send money to inmates at Tyger River Correctional Institution through approved methods to help them purchase essential items from the commissary.