Las Vegas, NV CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing View

The Casa Grande Transitional Housing center has been operating since December 2005. The dormitory-style facility was built to house non-violent, non-sex crime inmates who are within 18 months of their parole eligibility date. CGTH is a 400-bed facility housing both male and female inmates. .

CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing Contact Details

CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing Contact Details

Mailing to CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing Inmates and Staff

Inmate Visiting Days and Hours

Day of Week Hours
Saturday General Population - Female: 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Sunday General Population - Male (last names A-M): 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
General Population - Male (last name N-Z): 11:00 AM-1:30 PM

How to Send Money to CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing

Family and friends can send money to inmates at CGTH - Casa Grande Transitional Housing through approved methods to help them purchase essential items from the commissary.