Etowah County Court Records in Alabama

The county of Etowah is located in Alabama and was founded in 1866. There are 102,564 residents in Etowah who have access to courthouses in Altoona, Attalla, Gadsden, Glencoe, Rainbow City, Sardis City, Southside. In general, each county has a full set of courts, from traffic court to superior and appellate court; supreme courts are usually located in the state capital. Alabama is part of the 11th federal circuit court as well.

Find Altoona County courthouses

There are 933 residents in Altoona, which is 4.3 square miles and 955ft above sea level. It was settled in 1908 and is governed by a local government.

Find Attalla County courthouses

There are 6,048 residents in Attalla, which is 7.0 square miles and 545ft above sea level.

Find Gadsden County courthouses

There are 36,856 residents in Gadsden, which is 38.5 square miles and 541ft above sea level. It was settled in 1876 and is governed by a Mayor-Council (w. seven councilmen) local government.

Find Glencoe County courthouses

There are 5,160 residents in Glencoe, which is 17.0 square miles and 564ft above sea level.

Find Rainbow City County courthouses

There are 9,602 residents in Rainbow City, which is 25.6 square miles and 568ft above sea level.

Find Sardis City County courthouses

There are 1,704 residents in Sardis City, which is 7.9 square miles and 1,083ft above sea level.

Find Southside County courthouses

There are 8,412 residents in Southside, which is 19.2 square miles and 620ft above sea level.