Judgment Records Search

Court Judgements, Liens, Bankruptcies, Assets & More!

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Databases Updated on Feb 01, 2025

What Information is Available in Judgment Reports?

Legal Judgments

Legal Judgments

Find out if someone was subject to a legal judgment after losing a case in court. Use our search tool to find out more details about the court decision, including both parties’ names, timeline, debt amount and judgment status.

Bankruptcy Filings

Bankruptcy Filings

Discover the truth behind any private or corporate financial misfortunes. Thousands of individuals and companies file for bankruptcy every day. Our online search tool finds them within seconds and puts them together in a friendly report.

Tax Liens

Tax Liens

Check a history of someone’s tax liens records and if they ever neglected or refused to pay any taxes owed. Uncover liens status, unpaid income taxes with the IRS, pending court orders or debts that triggered liens, encumbrances and easements.

Property Liens

Property Liens

Search for a creditor’s claims caused by a person’s inability to repay their debts. Instead of going to a county records office or state agency, you can now access this information from the comfort of your personal devices, through our diligent lookup tool.



Are you interested in tracing a person’s assets without much hassle? Check Property Ownership, Business Ownership, Cars, Boats, Aircraft, Income, and any tangible or intangible Assets just by using our lookup tool. The fastest way to know the basic facts!



Be informed of an individual’s history of Contract Disputes, Criminal or Civil Lawsuits, and other past or pending legal matters online, with just a click of a mouse. The truth is right here, on your screen, and will be revealed through the “Search” button.

What are Judgment Records?

What are Judgment Records?

Whenever juries or a judge make a judgment, records of that judgment are produced. They’re physically kept at the offices of the judge who ruled them. Just like a verdict, a judgment outlines the legal disposition of the case. For instance, if you suffered damages caused by a company or someone owes you money, you will receive a judgment in your favor, which gives you the lawful right to collect that debt out of court.

Judges can either approve a payment plan together with the defendant, or they can request for a full payment immediately. In case the debtor fails to fully comply with the payment procedure instated by a judgment, they risk being held in contempt of court.

Once a case is closed, you can request the Judgment records by visiting the court clerk. This often involves long wait times. Fortunately, there’s a simpler way to get instant access to all the information – online lookup tools. We help you learn about the parties involved, amounts and read the judgment by yourself from any device connected to internet.

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