Search Crawford County, MO Inmate Records

Crawford County, MO jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center. Crawford County holds 1 jails with a total of 15,345 inmates. These correctional facilities have private cells for extremely violent criminals or controversial suspects. Crawford County jails are subject to health and medical restrictions and have to provide medical care to all its inmates.

Crawford County Quick Facts

Crawford County Population Total
7,578 / 73 / 6
Female Population, Rate & Count
7,745 / 600 / 47
Male Population, Rate & Count
Median Income
Arrest Rate
Local Jail Rate
Local Jail Count (the average # of people in jail for one day)
Population Total Confined
Pretrial Rate
Admit Rate
Admit Count
Yearly Prisoner Count

County Crimes by Type

Crawford County is well known for its Property Crime Totals, it has a share of 45.88% of all the crimes committed in the county - 223 Property Crime Total cases. Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter is the least trendy crime of the area with only 0.00% out of all the crimes in Crawford County.

Crimes % in 2016 - TOTAL ALL AGENCIES

4.12 %
Violent Crime
0.00 %
Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter
0.21 %
Revised Rape
3.91 %
Aggravated Assault
45.88 %
Property Crime
17.90 %
22.22 %
Larceny Theft
5.76 %
Motor Vehicle Theft

The Timeline of the County Crime Trends

Violent Crime Total2344100522153225311926
Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter10000103220
Revised Rape00000000121
Legacy Rape20800134000
Aggravated Assault194392522132918281425
Property Crime Total267289181127219208185270239306287
Larceny Theft1641709274108109102146138169127
Motor Vehicle Theft102110101411108112634

Crawford County Jail Demographics

The county has 24,487 people confined with a jail population density of 21 prisoners per jail. When breaking down the population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners, being 7,587 women and 7,758 men.

A Timeline of Yearly Data Pop Total from 2005-2015

Year Total Population
2005 24,137
2006 24,373
2007 24,689
2008 24,698
2009 24,802
2010 24,610
2011 24,814
2012 24,774
2013 24,554
2014 24,650
2015 24,487

A Timeline of Yearly Female/Male Incarceration for the Years 2005-2015

Year Male Population Female Population
2005 7,745 7,578
2006 7,826 7,695
2007 7,850 7,860
2008 7,901 7,804
2009 7,920 7,810
2010 7,894 7,767
2011 7,978 7,787
2012 7,928 7,764
2013 7,790 7,670
2014 7,786 7,675
2015 7,758 7,587

A Timeline of Crawford County Incarceration by Gender

Year Male Rate Female Rate
2005 600 73
2006 549 40
2007 615 24
2008 677 127
2009 718 64
2010 617 72
2011 629 97
2012 413 49
2013 645 115
2014 606 123
2015 606 123

Crawford County Prison Records by Race & Ethnicity

60.22 %
0.40 %
1.18 %
0.33 %

County Jail Statistics

The county has an arrest rate of 2,962 and a local jail rate of 256 inmates per year and a pretrial rate of 346 pre trials per 100,000 residents aged from 15 to 64. The jail admit rate for the area equals 11,459, which is higher compared to the statistics of 2005 - 11,243 incarcerations a year.

Local Jail, Pretrial and Admit Rates

Admit Rate
Local Jail Rate
Pretrial Rate

The average jail count for Crawford is 40 incarcerations in a day. The numbers have increased during the last 10 years, when there were on average 34 imprisonments a day.

Crawford County Incarceration Rates

Year Jail Rate
2005 224
2006 198
2007 217
2008 253
2009 306
2010 307
2011 259
2012 253
2013 321
2014 256
2015 256

Pretrial vs. Admit Rates Timeline

Year Admit Rate Pretrial Rate
2005 11,243 311
2006 7,429 297
2007 9,855 319
2008 6,810 388
2009 10,566 393
2010 11,026 347
2011 9,749 267
2012 7,737 188
2013 10,490 374
2014 11,459 346
2015 11,459 346

The Average Number of Incarcerations per Day

Year Jail Count
2005 34
2006 31
2007 34
2008 40
2009 48
2010 48
2011 41
2012 40
2013 50
2014 40
2015 40