People Search in United Kingdom

Search People in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland.

What Information is Available on



Our person address finder helps you locate people in UK and narrow down your search by providing the current or any previous addresses available online, particularly on their social media profiles.

Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers

In a few seconds, you can find someone’s private or business phone number just by typing the name, surname or email address. Plus, the country code indicates their current country of residence.



Does someone have more than one email address? Find out instantly with our diligent lookup tool. Search millions of personal, professional, commercial or business email addresses with one click.



Siblings, partners, ex-partners, children, spouses, parents, and cousins – get to explore all the family connections and perhaps discover long-lost UK relatives with a simple search on our website.

Social Profiles

Social Profiles

Hidden social media profiles, online activity, blogs, dating website avatars or fake identities will quickly be revealed once you start your research on our comprehensive online people search tool.



Looking for someone’s professional past, previous jobs, field of expertise, job title changes, current or prior employers? There’s no better place to start than by using our UK people search tool.

What is People Search in the United Kingdom?

What is People Search in the United Kingdom?

Millions of people are interested in UK Public Records Resources when trying to find out all sorts of information about British relatives, lost family members or just new people they’ve met. Searching for this data online is the quickest way to do it, right from the comfort of your sofa, simply by typing the name and surname into the UK Government National Archives website. Official UK records are also available on the UK Government Site (for Marriage and Death Records) or the UK Home Office, Disclosure Scotland Government Website and Northern Ireland Executive Government Website - if you’re interested in someone’s criminal records. For birth, marriage, civil partnership and death certificates, the General Register Office (GRO) is also available.

Alternatively, just turn to non-governmental websites that present the information you are after in a more user-friendly way, such as The main advantage is getting more flexible search options, for instance only by First Name, Last name, City and Country, or just by Phone, Email or User Id.

Depending on how much information you have our expert social media lookup tools uncover all the information available online about someone that interests you, including UK residents and British citizens. Our UK people search tool is faster, more convenient and extremely handy.

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Search over 2 billion records instantly. Easily find the information you are looking for with three easy steps- search, sign up, and view report.



We have one of the most comprehensive data coverages in the industry including state, federal, county, municipal, and private data sources when available.



With our unlimited search access, you can look up as many reports as you want! Others charge for every single search.



Millions of users rely on us to deliver accurate and current data for all their information needs when available.